Remote Access Itarian

Benefits of Employing Remote Workers Using Secure Remote Access

Secure Remote Access

As much as you love the traditional nine-to-five work culture, you can’t deny the benefits remote work provides. This type of work culture is increasingly becoming more common across industries and businesses. From being a rare employee privilege, remote work has become a valuable trend among organizations that are looking to maximize their efficiency and productivity.

In fact, a study from FreshBooks revealed that by the year 2021, the number of people who work remotely is expected to triple. So the question is, why do businesses choose to allow their employees to work independently outside of a corporate space? We’ll answer that question as we show you the benefits of employing remote workers using secure remote access.

Benefit #1: Provides a More Flexible Environment – By investing in a secure remote access solution, your employees can have a more flexible work experience. This means that they can work remotely from anywhere they choose. But that doesn’t mean that they have to lock themselves inside of their house or bedroom. With secure remote access, your employees can work anywhere outside of office space including cafes, libraries, and even public parks. This allows them to choose their own workspaces where they feel most comfortable working.

Benefit #2: Allows for a More Productive Workforce – Arriving late to work can negatively affect your employee’s overall productivity. The traffic, congested buses, and delayed trains can also have an impact on the well-being of your employees. However, if you manage to hire remote workers using secure remote access, they no longer need to face the struggles of commuting daily. They can stay productive at work 24/7 which also allows them to address business emergencies and requests. Unlike in a normal office setup, employers who have already clocked out may not be willing to address business demands outside of working hours.

Benefit #3: Improves Attrition Rate – Remote working allows employees to have control over their jobs and outside-of-work-activities. This means that they are more likely to achieve a healthier balance between personal life and work than those who are working inside of a corporate space. According to a study by OwlLab, companies who employ remote workers experienced less turnover rate for 25% compared to companies who don’t support remote working. One of the main reasons for this was employees value the benefits that come with remote working. Having less employee turnover in your company is important as it can help you attain long-term goals and success.

Benefit #4: Allows You to Hire Employees From Anywhere – Ditching the location criteria in terms of hiring future employees allows you to have more options, and possibly, help you find the best people for your company. By not worrying about locations and timezone, you’ll be able to expand your reach and work with the most talented and skilled people for your business, regardless of where they come from.

Benefit #5: Enables You to Save More Money – As you hire new people for the growth of your business, you are also required to expand your office space. Building new infrastructures and offices can be expensive, especially if your company is yet to reach the peak of its success. By employing remote workers using secure remote access, you’ll be able to ditch the need to invest in more office space and additional infrastructures. This allows you to save a hefty amount of money that can be used for more important business developments. You can also save too by not investing in too much office equipment and necessities.

Benefit #6: Increases Employees Efficiency – Allowing your employees to work from home positively affects their overall wellbeing. With this, they can spend more time with their families and friends. They can also avoid facing the struggles of commuting to work on a daily basis. By giving them a more flexible work culture, they’ll be able to experience less stress and pressure. In the end, it helps them produce work outputs that are of quality and standard which in return, affects your company’s efficiency in a positive way.


Embracing remote working doesn’t mean you have to totally eradicate the traditional nine-to-five work culture. In essence, remote working, at some point, can be beneficial to both businesses and employees. Remember that in most cases, the best solution to maximize your business efficiency is to allow your employees to have a healthy balance between life and work. By doing so, your business can also benefit from investing in a secure remote access solution.

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