August 19, 2019

In today’s business environment, it’s common for companies to allow employees to do remote work. Many companies allow employees to have a flexible work schedule and work-from-anywhere status. On top of that, many businesses outsource their divisions to partner countries to increase global market value and to maximize earnings and efficiency. The changing business landscape and work environment is the reason why many companies are looking for remote desktop access solutions
Remote desktop access solutions, or remote access, is a business solution that allows employees to access a network or computer remotely. With remote desktop access solutions in place, employees don’t need to be physically present in their work stations to do their daily work.
Remote access solutions help global teams collaborate during critical workdays and increases work efficiency in the workflow even when divisions are in different countries. And to safeguard the company’s network from cyberattacks, many remote access solutions contain cybersecurity tools that allow employees to securely use the network from a remote location.
Why Are Remote Desktop Access Solutions in Demand?
Though remote access and remote desktops access solutions have been around for a long time, the demand is higher now than it was before. There are two major reasons for the surge in demand:
Global expansion and partnerships Globalization changed the way businesses work. Many large businesses are now investing in the global market and are outsourcing their business processes. Despite this change in the business landscape, the main branch still needs to have a bit of control on the process done by its global partners. And the best way to do this is by using Remote desktop access solutions.
Remote desktop access solutions also allow the main branch to provide timely support for their offshore branches in to avoid any workflow backlog. This makes remote access an indispensable tool for businesses with global partners.
Changing workplace environment In the past, employees were required to come to the office to work since it’s only within the office that they can access the company network safely. But because of the development in technology, remote access has become safe and remote access has become very easy to setup.Without the traditional barriers to remote access, younger talents now prefer jobs that allow flexibility. As companies begin to hire younger talents, they need to remain competitive by cultivating a culture of flexibility and remote work environment. With this change, remote desktop access solutions are in high demand.
What Countries Will Have High Demand for Remote Desktop Access Solutions?
Demand for remote desktop access solutions is going up globally. But as companies outsource more of their business process to partner countries, some areas would adopt remote access solutions faster than others.According to market analysis, Asia Pacific is expected to adopt remote desktop access solutions faster because of the growing employee strength in Asia Pacific countries. In Europe, the wide-spread adoption of technology and the development of advanced infrastructure will be the main drivers of demand for remote desktop access solutions.
Features of Good Remote Desktop Access Solutions
As businesses and technology develop further, the demand for good remote desktop access solutions grow. Here are some features of good remote software:
1. Easy setup and deployment Due to the fast-paced business environment today, good remote desktop access solutions must be easy to set up and deploy. Having an easy-to-setup remote access platform can help keep businesses running without having to halt operations.
2. Can be automated – Many parts of the business process require automation, so a good remote access tool needs to have automation capabilities as well, like automatic patching. This will allow easier and faster workflow.
3. One-platform solution It’s important for businesses to see the entire production flow. This means managers must be able to monitor and instruct their members without any hassle. A good remote access tool should be capable of providing this through a one-platform solution.
4. Secure Cybersecurity is a big issue nowadays, that’s why many businesses are scared to use remote access software as this could compromise their cybersecurity. Good remote desktop access solutions have security in mind and will have advanced security tools like VPN access and optimized network control.
5. Easy to track activities When companies use remote access, it becomes difficult to track activities in the network. This is a cybersecurity risk since it will also be hard to track malicious activities. A good remote access tool will provide fast and efficient tracking capabilities to users.
With the changing business environment and the surge of new technology, remote desktop access solutions will soon be an essential part of any business. Businesses will need to start adopting a remote access environment to keep up with the growing market demands.
Luckily, ITarian has a reliable remote access tool that has all the wonderful features of good remote software. Businesses looking for a remote access software should try out ITarian now!