Remote Access Itarian

Tips to Secure Remote Access

Secure Remote Access

In the past, remote access was only enjoyed by a few privileged people. But with the advancements in technology and the increased growth of telework and mobile functions, remote access is now becoming more common across industries.

However, the high demand for such technology has paved the way for hackers to come up with new ways to exploit its vulnerabilities and cause major security havoc to private networks and systems. That’s why businesses that are looking to invest in one needs to understand how crucial it is to secure remote access.

In this guide, we’ll provide you with a list of tips for you to secure remote access.

What is Remote Access?

Remote access, or sometimes referred to as remote desktop, is a type of technology that provides users with the ability to connect to remote endpoints via a remote connection. Once connected, the users can now access and control any remote computers from an off-site location. They can perform several computing tasks a person sitting in front of the remote endpoints can.

With remote access, the need for the physical presence of the user to get a task accomplished is eliminated. This means the user can perform several tasks such as app management and software installation on the remote computer without his physical intervention.

Modern businesses use remote access to enhance their overall productivity and efficiency. With remote access, employees who may be bombarded with requests outside of working hours can still have access to their important office resources in order to address such unforeseen demands. Employees who also can’t be at their office physically can use remote access to complete their daily work functions outside of a central work location.

IT professionals use remote access to provide off-site support to clients across the globe. With this, the long travel times and travel-related expenses are eliminated. Managed service providers (MSPs) also use remote access to manage and assess a bunch of remote endpoints connected to a specific private network.

Ways to Secure Remote Access

As stated a while back, businesses that are looking to use remote access need to know how to secure it against unwanted threats and attacks. Failure to implement remote access safely can cause you a massive security incident. Here are a few security tips on you how to secure remote access effectively.

  • Limit User Access – You are more likely to invite online perpetrators to launch attacks to your system when your network is opened to be accessed 24/7. You need to ensure that the use of remote access should be disabled when not in use. As much as possible, remote workers or employees who need to access your network outside of the office are the ones who can access your network remotely.
  • Strengthen Passwords – Poor implementation of passwords can help hackers gain entry to your system without your knowledge. The sad reality is that most businesses nowadays don’t put a lot of effort into strengthening their remote passwords and credentials. To ensure that your login credentials are strong enough to validate all access attempts, try to use two-factor authentication instead of a regular password. Since it has two login identifications, it will be harder for attackers to gain entry to your system remotely.
  • Secure Endpoint Devices – Sometimes, malware infections come from the endpoint devices of your employees. The devices they use to connect to your network may have their fair share of security flaws that can disrupt the security of your system. As much as possible, require them to install anti-malware software that can combat viruses and types of malware that can harm your network. Also, provide them with security protocols and measures that can help them connect to your corporate network securely.
  • Invest in Secure Remote Access Solutions – All these tips wouldn’t matter if you’re not invested in a secure remote access platform. Make sure that the remote access solution you’re keeping an eye on has the ability to encrypt remote sessions that can prevent hackers from recording any confidential interaction between the local and remote servers. Also, choose the one that can create a session confirmation for every access attempt made on your network. This ensures that access made on your server is well authorized and authenticated.


Whether we like it or not, remote access has now become a target ground for modern hacking and online theft. That’s why securing this technology is crucial for your company’s security and protection. With secure remote access, you can maintain a safe environment where a massive security incident is less likely to happen.

Instant Remote Access
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